ResLife evictions, covid spike, membership meets FRIDAY

A lot has happened over the weekend and yesterday! With two emails, (Friday afternoon, Sunday morning), the Campus COVID-19 Risk Level has raised from “Elevated” to “High” Risk. First, we want to condemn the administration for NOT taking the unions’ suggestion seriously in the first place. The rise of covid cases was totally foreseeable when … Continue reading ResLife evictions, covid spike, membership meets FRIDAY

BARGAINING UPDATES and Open Meeting On Friday!

Dear members, Just a few minutes ago the bargaining committee (elected bargaining representatives and officers + rank and file members) have sent out a short and non-comprehensive set of proposals (a 'mini deal') to the administration with A view to lock-in some of the progress made in this protracted impact bargaining cycle. It is important … Continue reading BARGAINING UPDATES and Open Meeting On Friday!