Fellow workers,

Good news! We have secured the Amherst/Hadley Room on the 10th floor of the Campus Center for our bargaining session on September 25, Monday 1-3 pm. This room is larger than the previous rooms we’ve used, and will allow us to continue to accommodate our members and maximize participation from GEO’s rank and file in the bargaining process. By contrast, management had suggested we continue to book smaller rooms and Zoom in attendees. On principle we rejected this: GEO has long adhered to the principle of democratic, open bargaining. Every member’s input is crucial to negotiations.

You can support the long held practice of open bargaining and the fight for a fair contract by coming for the bargaining session. The union is its members and the contract is a collective agreement made by all of us. So come to the session and tell two of your friends about it!

Questions? Email bargaining, or drop into our open weekly bargaining committee meeting tomorrow (Thursday 9/21) from 9-11 am in Campus Center 917 (the GEO office!).

In solidarity, GEO Leadership and Bargaining Committee
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