Hello Grad Workers!

Your GEO Bargaining Committee and Organizing Committee invite you to our Bargaining Symposium on Saturday 7/22-it’s an opportunity to gather with your fellow GEO workers and hear the latest from your Bargaining Committee on how to win a stronger contract for graduate workers now that we have initiated the Bargaining process with the UMass administration.  We are hosting a remote event over zoom earlier in the day and a live event later in the day with free food from local restaurants, art activities, a mock bargaining session with plenty of time to chill in between. Come to either event or both! Register to the zoom event here, and RSVP to the live event here. RSVP is requested, but not required, just so we know how much food to order ahead of time—you’ll find the links for both in our flyer. Please let us know if you have any questions! 

In Solidarity, 
Bargaining Committee