GEO Leadership is collecting inputs from you. The sooner we get these together, the sooner we can make demands to management and bargain over them. As you know by now, we are in a phase of Impact Bargaining, so fight together for security while we are impacted by the pandemic and campus measures in response to it. The window for us to bargain over our present needs is small – act now! Remember, the only way to get management to respond to our needs is to present a strong and united front!

Events you need to come to:

  • Come to Zoom GEO Membership Meeting TODAY:
    Monday, March 30th, 5pm-6pm GEO Members only
    [Add to Google Calendar]
    (that link asks you to register, then you get join-link emailed to you)
  • Come to the next Bargaining Session TOMORROW:
    Tuesday, March 31st, from 3pm-5pm
    [Add to Google Calendar]
    Join us to show management who has the power here, and that UMass works because we do!

Take action right now!

  • Sign the petition to support demands that your elected GEO reps have placed before management [link]
  • Tweet/Facebook-share a public version of this petition so the general community can sign in solidarity [link]
  • Fill a survey about current impacts to your life [link]
  • If you are international, fill a survey about additional impact on your international status/visa/etc. [link]