Nominations are now open for ONE bargaining committee representative (10hrs/week) and ONE Interim Mobilization Coordinator (Interim, 20hrs/week).

Any full member in good standing may nominate themselves or another member in good standing for any of these positions. Nominations and candidate statements are due by Feb 12, 2021. All positions begin duties in at the end of Feb 2021. The four paid coordinator positions are Nominate yourself or someone else for any of the above positions via email to the Steering Committee at and candidates will receive a follow-up with further instructions about a candidate statement

Bargaining Committee vacancy (till bargaining ends or you step down)

Call for ONE GEO Bargaining position (1), you can choose to focus on one of the task-sets below. This position is fully benefitted, 10/hours per week GEO jobs and shall continue through the summer and through the end of the semester in which negotiations conclude. The present contract will run till end of May 2021 and will then be renewed automatically.

Bargaining Committee:
The bargaining committee will consists of the four elected bargaining members, alternate members, and the GEO staff. The bargaining committee members will elect its chief and co-chief negotiators. All members of the bargaining committee are to serve throughout the duration of a contract negotiation and will not need to be re-elected in the event that contract negotiations is extended beyond a year. Membership will have ultimate oversight over the bargaining committee and the committee answers to and is in service to the membership. The bargaining committee’s responsibility is to assess the needs of the membership prior to negotiations, and made transparent regularly via the GEO website.

Research & Proposal Coordination task-set: Researching, drafting, discussing, and writing our contract proposals for negotiations, helping to argue for our proposals at the bargaining table with administration. Bargaining-related trainings and meetings that have been scheduled (around team members’ availability). Serving as the liaison between the negotiating/research group, and will be in regular communication with the existing listserv of members who have signed up to be active on this committee and the bargaining committee.
Organizing & Mobilization task-set: Organizing members around member-issues/concerns. Responsible for involving more members in the bargaining process and recruiting members to speak at the bargaining table (to administration).

InTERIM MOBILIZATION COORDINATOR vacancy (till the end of May)

Although each officer has her or his specific job responsibilities, all GEO officers are jointly responsible for ensuring the smooth functioning of GEO and are collectively responsible for all the duties mentioned below:

Responsibilities include but are not limited to: supervising membership drives; assisting in boosting attendance; attending Steering and Assembly of Stewards meetings; introducing all new members and visitors; assisting the GEO Co-Chairs in preserving order when called upon to do so; ensuring that minutes are taken at all GEO meetings; maintaining records of organization; submitting requisitions to the Local and International as needed; planning and administering GEO operating budget and chairing the GEO Finance Committee; facilitating GEO sponsorship of events and organizations; taking charge of all property of GEO not otherwise provided for; monitoring and giving guidance on procedural questions and rules; ensuring that those attending GEO meetings are either members or invited visitors; assuming duties of the Co-Chairs if they are unavailable; and assisting the union in achieving its overall mission in the workplace.