Fellow workers,

A quick note to remind everyone about two extremely important events that every GEO member should attend if they can!

Solidarity and have a great weekend,
GEO leadership

👩‍🏫 On Monday, October 24th, at 5PM, PHENOM, the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) and GEO invite you to join them for the Education Justice Remote Rally—A Debt Free Future over Zoom. Guest speakers will share their experiences of navigating the perils of student loan debt in higher education and how a future free of debt will transform the lives of millions of students across the country.

🗳 Right after, we will host a Virtual Candidate Forum from 6-8 PM (10/24) for candidates running for UAW Region 9A director. Candidates will answer any questions we present to them about their vision for the future of the UAW at both the regional and national level, as well as how they plan to use the position to do so. This is a space to hear directly with UAW leaders and to continue to build democratic unionism from the bottom up. Join the livestream at https://bit.ly/GEOUAWForum! See the below flyer and share it widely; we’re excited to see you there.